28 August 2013

Leave it up to Fate: Tapos naaaaa!

Wow, talk about birthing pains! This is one baby that took 5 years to complete ;-) Thank you to everyone who read and commented. And if you felt even an iota of the kilig I felt when I was writing this, then super duper thanks!

If you liked this, I hope you share the love and tell your friends who might be interested about this blog. I will also be publishing this via smashwords soon, so you'll be able to download the whole book ;-)

Honto ni arigatou gozaimasu minna!

Coming up next...Kaye and Tessa's story...Abangan!



Mary Ann said...

Congrats Girl! I trully Enjoyed Ken and Anna's story and am happy that they finally had their happy ending..errr...start? hehe.

I'm looking forward to seeing this in print girl ha, ! Good luck =)

Of course I'll read your new one too =)

Jessica E. Larsen said...


Please let me be one of the first to read it, once you publish it on Smashword. I promise to give a detailed review on the Smashwords and my blog(Click here) for example of my book reviews :)

Of course I could go ahead and read the story too but I'm way lazy when I read online stories, it take really long time for me to finish reading even just 20000 words stories.